6 Days. Yes, a long long time. But I will not start with blaming myself.
I would have ideally written before, and ideally been polite throughout the day, but its not an ideal world, is it?
I run temperature. Been more than a year since I had such high fever. I do know people who never get fever, however feverish they might feel. Fever must be like a myth for them. Running it again? This is already the most absurd paragraph ever written. Remember pinhead and the fact that there is beauty in suffering and torture. Hellraiser, it was. Its that authoritarian nature. The want or rather, desire to control another being. This results in masochism and I now do know the cause of all pain. Inflict.
Disconcerting views, innocuous thoughts, and self deprecating humour. All of this now, a subtle part of life which is average. I am just happy at the knowledge that I am going home in middle August. One can get so bored at times that you start counting to the stone age. Its different than before. A semi abrupt purpose and withheld happiness.
There is no real method of measuring life, joy count etc. Can I say I have a better life if I see better movies than before or can I say 2006 was a better annual because I got my hands on some of the best music ever. Can I, Can we?
This one is from Salzburg. One does not in slightest bit, need to be even an average camera chap. Just stand at the spot on the bridge on the Salzach, that which is already demarcated and click away to glory. The lights are everyday reflection. What a quaint town, full of Sound Of Music and Mozart, neither of which gave much of a fuck about it once they had become, per se.
And Harry Potter has released and the mania is as gay as it ever got. All people who read the book or like the movie should be forced to kill themselves. Coming Soon (like I always have said) : A post on Harry Potter and its imbecile fan base.
And what about A&E and MBA? Well, even I don't know. I cannot think.
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