This is the Louvre which was the first sight I did visit before heading west (atleast in my direction plan) for Notre Dam. Did a bit of cleaning on the picture to give it an 'evening' feel, and now it feels the gloom it did always deserve.

I also cannot stand people who use the words "buddy", "bravo", "rockin". Actually, those who used to say "rockin'" back in 2004 have themselves taken a dislike towards saying it. I last used it in maybe 2001-02. I must be way cooler. Now, the sun has been doing some catching up and movement is becoming dull. Yesterday, as in Tuesday, was synonymous of any typical Tuesday, when one wakes up, knowing in advance it is the most hated day of the week and yet makes a feeble attempt to whisper through the day. The classes were a drag. The first class had this faculty fellow who seemed like one of those people who come to Bombay to act in movies and are unable to secure even back-end roles and thus, resort to other honourable means of income, never the while forgetting their initial pursuit of happyness and sticking to portraying their love for acting in whatever occupation they complete daily. The professor told us how many adversities he had been through in life, and how he had to come to Bombay from Karachi in 1947 as a refugee. I did not feel sorry for him. I tried to, but alas, maybe it was the drama he included while making it so. Wait a second, did I just say back-end there. LOL. I also hate people who use "LOL". It is OUT OF VOGUE, you 1957 born people.
I myself feel old. My bones do not permit me sports to a feasible level, my teeth are losing colour due to ash deposits (hah!!), and I feel tired every 15 minutes, AND I go off to arbit sleep while in conversation. Time to change sleep habits, and utilize more of the free time, that is around 23 hours/day. I have again, become accustomed to letting people finish their lines and sentences, let them, I tell myself. Once they are done, react in the way you generally do and they will themselves realize foolishness.
The second class was this teacher who came to pronounce a subject called "Written Communication in Management". I mistakenly acknowledged that I write for more than half an hour a day at a stretch and then she had to come back to me more than once. I hate teachers like her, especially the red colour hair she had. Disappointing and not expected from a sensible teacher. *does a spell check on whatever is written so far and realized he does not know how to spell HAH, LOL, and HAPPINESS*.
And then last night was spent playing FREE CELL. What a good game, I like such stuff where there is a certainty of a result, either way. Today morning, or Wednesday (I say the day names out aloud for simple re assurance) was spent in momentarily waking up and going back to sleep only to wake up again and rush through the showers and run to college. College was nothing and till twenty minutes ago, us students had become so enthralled with the whole MBA concept that we took to doing self preparatory case studies. Talk about initiative.
I have to thank the Chai Waala outside college in this post. Dude, if you do ever read this, thank you.
The Delhi winters. I miss their charm. Each morning used to seem to be colder than the last, and each morning was more difficult to step out of a warm bed into a cold world. I used to shiver, hug myself (what a nice phrase - to hug yourself), push my head through a cardigan, go to the window, though more out of bravado than anything else, and stare out at a cold world. And I used to say to myself, it is colder than yesterday. The nights were even special. The morning russet mantle clad had not yet come out to walk over the dew. And in the darkness, you could hear the calm ticking of the wall clock and other musical insect sounds.
To twelve hours of classes tomorrow..!
What a lovely way to describe Delhi winters..keep writing.. :)
Thank You, whoever you are.
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