Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What Has This Become..!

Agonizingly cold in a coastal town can leave little to imagination. You sit there, wishing it would rain or maybe never get normal again, and as soon as wishful thinking encapsulates, climate is its average self again. How do you explain? Some advantages can be blaming the increase in rum consumption on the same. It arrived with panache, you add a hint of lemon, coca cola and finish in the drink in a manner akin to having maaza with a straw. Which ingredient contributed the most can act as an eventful debate but we shall let time decide on what made impact.

Apprehension can relate to some sort of anxiety based upon an intuition that something horrid is just around the corner or of which the occurrence has been triggered. One spends night and day worried, wholly occupied by thoughts of how the other will manage, anew in this life. Nobody understands, the one for whom you worry takes it as a a negative opinion and refuses to divulge further, all the while slipping away from grasp. the rest, can hardly be worthy enough to be made to understand. I would elaborate. But I have purpose otherwise. A blanket in Bombay, when alcohol won't suffice, tepid in reckoning, this has come as a surprise. Night.

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